"Only go to law school if you really want to become a lawyer. Don't go to law school because you like to study law. That's like saying you want to go to med school because you "like to study medicine" and are the type of person who faints at the sight of blood and has no intention of becoming a doctor. Law school is there to train you to become a LAW-YER. If you like to study law, congratulations because you have just enrolled in a course all about law."It is only the third day of spring quarter and the second official day of classes for me and I have already dropped a course (a history seminar I was really interested in taking) and am panicky and overwhelmed by the amount of reading I am already falling behind on.
I had an awesome spring break. My classes and professors this quarter are all very blog-worthy. Activation for my pledge class is coming up this Sunday so I definitely have a lot to say about that.
But look at this:

Those are three readers for three of my four classes this quarter. I also currently have nine books sitting on my bookshelf and am still waiting to purchase three more.
Professors employing "modified law school teaching style" a.k.a. the Socratic method in two of my classes this quarter means NO FALLING BEHIND ON READING OR I AM FUCKING SCREWED, so I am off to read about early twentieth century Paris and to finish a long legal document concerning NEPA, CAA, and NAFTA for my classes tomorrow. I already spent about three hours reading about women and communism in twentieth century Europe tonight.
(Communism? Feminism?? Of course, I loved every minute of it.)

Here are my readers again, but this time with my finger on the side for scale.
The thick one is over 500 pages long and the other two are 250-300ish pages each.
I don't understand why my 500+ page reader is NOT SPIRAL BOUND - the pages are already feeling loose and I have only read about five pages. Grrrrr!
Tell me being a humanities major is "easy" now, science-supremacist bitches.
At least I love what I study. How many of you can say that when you are failing your chemistry class?
(P.S. I go to UCSD, home to thousands of holier-than-thou bioengineering/biochem/bio-anything majors who love to continuously bash on me and my majors, so I have the fucking right to be more bitter than 100% cacao about this.)
(P.P.S. 100% cacao is really bitter, by the way.)
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