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It's a self-preservation thing, you see.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Greetings from Procrasti-NATION!

It is so gross how everybody in my suite is diligently studying while I am sitting in the nerd box, hugging a naked build-a-bear and eating blue corn chips dipped in organic hummus with mountains of (untouched) books around me.

I skipped GBM again tonight to "do work" because I didn't get anything done at all this weekend.

The results? I still did not get any work done and now I cannot skip any more GBMs because I will be using my last allowed-absence when I head up to Berkeley for the weekend in a few weeks.

Side note: I haven't been to a GBM since I activated and I did not miss a single GBM or pledge meeting during my pledging process.


Trader Joe's organic hummus totally rocks my socks.

Not that I would be wearing socks during this crazy heat wave we've been having lately.

Or that I would wear socks ever, period.

Because, you know, I don't do shoes.

That is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this confuses me.