I have been using the last of my last-resort, stashed-away container of before-they-changed-the-formula Berry Smooth while I searched high and low for my missing pot of lip balm.
I used up my last-resort, saved-for-a-rainy-day container COMPLETELY yesterday.
If licking the pot clean would have gotten some more lip balm onto my lips, I would totally have gladly done so.
That was how desperate I was. And still am right now.
Why yes, I am dying without my lip balm, thankyouverymuchforasking!
I am antsy, uncomfortable, and unable to focus on anything but my chapped, chapped, chapped, if-I-open-my-mouth-too-wide-I-am-certain-they-will-split-in-two-allowing-warm-salty-blood-to-gush-down-my-face lips without my lip balm.
So this is what withdrawal feels like.
hahaha what are you going to do now? can the new formula suffice for now?!
i really swear by chapstick all natural.. except they also changed the formula so what i did was buy a 10 pack off ebay last year.. haha.
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