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It's a self-preservation thing, you see.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

"Asian Fail" = FAILURE, Literally

My pledge final, on which I must score 90% or higher in order to pass, is tomorrow night. All the hard work and dedication we put into pledging in the fraternity will basically be put to the test during our next pledge meeting - the fate of our future in the fraternity hinges on the results of that one exam.

This will be one of those rare instances when an "Asian fail" on an exam translates literally into failure.

89.5%? Sorry, automatic DP!

As ambivalent as I have been feeling about the fraternity as a whole throughout the pledging process, I really don't want to fail tomorrow. The quarter ends in two weeks, I will have basically completed all of my pledge requirements (and then some) by the end of this week, and it would just suck major ass to get DP'd after all the time, energy, and money I devoted to pledging. Not to mention all the time, energy, and money my Big has devoted to me, her "good" little.

"Fourth little's the charm," she mused at my G3Big's kitchen table a few days ago. She has been so certain that I would cross on April 6th that I don't even want to imagine how disappointed and crushed she would feel if I ended up failing the final tomorrow.

During our post pledge service food fellowship at Summit earlier today, the conversation naturally drifted over to the impending final exam.

"There are over 70 people in our class right now... as much as I don't want it to happen, I know that there will inevitably be some people who will be DP'd in the next few weeks because they either didn't pass the pledge final, couldn't complete all of their requirements, missed a signature, or just fucked up with the req sheets, and I am afraid one of those people will be me," one of my pledge sisters sighed over her half-eaten meat sandwich with 7-grain bread and garlic-cilantro mayo.

I agree that a few last minute DPs will be inevitable with a class as big as ours; there are still people scrambling to finish their hours and week 9 is about to start. Hours were probably one of the easiest requirements on my sheet too.

As the conversation at the table continued, we eventually began discussing what each of us would do if we were hypothetically one of the few who would get DP'd at the end.

Honestly, I don't know if I would pledge again in the Fall if I didn't cross this quarter.

I would really have to think long and hard about it... and pay close attention to the 2008-2009 EBoard election results.

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