I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE frozen yogurt and would totally consider living in socal forever just because there are so many frozen yogurt places here and practically none back home. After my first taste of the awesomeness that is Yogurt World, I now crave it constantly at the weirdest hours.

Like right now. (Even though I am still stuffed from my dinner/boba/movie night with my Big.)
Speaking of my Big, she (like fro-yo) is pretty awesome too. Two nights out on her in three days and she still doesn't think she is spoiling me!
She took me to a vegetarian fusion (or should I say fuZion) cafe called SipZ tonight; everything about the restaurant was really cool and I definitely see myself wanting to go back for another meal some time very soon.
The menu was huge, there was this free-spirited hippie-ness about the restaurant that I loved, and the food was surprisingly tasty, even to non-vegetarians. I have to admit that the idea of fake meat still kind of freaks me out (and my fake "shrimp," which looked JUST like real shrimp by the way, tasted kind of funny to me), but after a few bites of her fake "chicken" udon, my Big, a decidedly omnivorous meat-lover, declared that she thought the pieces of "meat" actually tasted like real chicken.
There were so many other things that I wanted to try... good thing my Big promised to take me back again and to plan a possible line dinner there in the near future!
I am still feeling pretty ambivalent about the fraternity because I don't feel like I am really connecting with my fellow pledges or the other actives, but I think my Big and my line are reasons enough to stick with it. I would feel way too guilty to give up after all the love they have shown me in the past week alone.
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