Me? I haven't even had my first "real" final yet, and I am already wavering dangerously closely to the dark abyss of "COMPLETELY BURNT OUT" on the study-o-meter.
Still. So. Much. To. Study.
Must. Move. Away. From. The. Hole.
My 11:30 am history final on Thursday will be my first "real" final of the quarter.
Instead of spending the day studying like a good student would have done, what did I, the girl who insisted on playing the "Not-Study Game" and dragged her fellow history classmate and roommate along with her on her adventures of distraction, do instead?
- Spent an hour eating a large breakfast of scrambled eggs and potatoes that were generously piled onto my plate while reading the New York Times
- Went on a two-hour long emergency shopping trip for supplies to put together holiday goodie bags for our lovely suitemates
- Went to the bank and talked to a really cute teller who helped me bring the balance of my checking account back up from the shameful low of $15 and some change

- Drew faces on store-bought gingerbread men and entertained my roommates with anecdotes about the crazy personalities I associated with each unique face
- Delivered goodie bags
- Said good-bye to my extremely lucky, freed-from-the-clutches-of-finals roommate

- Wrote a note for the custodial staff because three days without the awesome-smelling foamy soap in our bathroom was three too many!
- Made fun of some very bad bands with my remaining roommate
- Talked about politics (Clinton or Obama??) and for some odd reason, the Watergate Scandal, with my remaining roommate
- Pulled out my huge rolling duffel and attempted to start packing
- Went to the dining hall to get food even though I was not hungry
- Came back with a lot of candy and a spinach salad as compensation
- Practically recreated one of my history professor's lectures for my roommate and realized that a. I am even more of a history geek than I thought I was and b. I can't talk at the speed I normally do for forty minutes straight because my jaw will hurt afterwards
- Facebook, Facebook, Facebook
- Ate candy, lots of candy
- Laughed my ass off at the ridiculous pose of the January "hot bod" on my roommate's half-naked, buff-guy calendar:

"Hey bay-bee, you in the mood for a pair of GIANT mangoes?"
- Wrote a pointless blog post in list form in between more laughing at the hilarious photo of the oiled body and more Facebooking
I think I win at the "Not-Study Game," Timmy Turner!
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