Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are on my list of favorite candies of all time, so when I spotted the "NEW!" Reese's Whipps bars sitting in the candy rack of my dining hall, I knew I would not be able to resist grabbing one on my way to the register to pay for my meal.

"What was there to lose?" I thought. According to the dining dollars budget calendar, I had over one hundred more dining dollars than I should currently have in my account, so a little experimentation at the cost of less than one dining dollar was no problem at all.
While the original Reese's Peanut Butter Cups married smooth chocolate and crumbly, sweetened peanut butter together in the world's most perfect union, this "NEW!" Reese's Whipps bar was like the marriage out of desperation and loneliness of two over-forties, destined to fail from its induction because the coupling was just inherently incompatible.
I am a chocolate fiend and will eat just about anything (though I draw the line at gross-out foods like chocolate covered insects) with chocolate in it, but I hate 3 Musketeers bars with a passion; they have this artificial chocolate flavor that just repulses me. I don't care if they are "low-fat" - chocolate shouldn't be a "low-fat" food anyway!
There's something very unnatural about the combination of "chocolate" and the "low-fat" claim; if you have to have chocolate, you might as well indulge in something rich and worthwhile.
Reese's Whipps tasted just like an artificially peanut-butter flavored 3 Musketeers bar with a thin layer of hard, sticky caramel layered near the top, so I guess if you're into 3 Musketeers Bars, you would probably enjoy the artifical taste, "airy" texture, and misleading health claim ("40% Less Fat*," the Whipps wrapper claimed) of Reese's Whipps.
(By the way, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil is the fourth ingredient on the list for both 3 Musketeers Bars and Reese's Whipps bars - how's that for "healthier than real chocolate," for ya?)
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