Even though it was nearly one in the morning when I finally uploaded the paper to Turnitin.com and emailed a copy to my instructor, I reached for the Netflix envelope that had been sitting untouched on my desk for about a day and the box of Junior Mints I had bought at the dining hall earlier that night, inserted the DVD into my computer, and curled up with the perfect mix of mint and chocolate to enjoy a great movie.

Chicago has been on the top of my list of "MUST-SEE MOVIES" for the longest time, and since I recently signed up for another Netflix account to take advantage of the free two week trial (though I might have to cancel my membership when the trial is up due to the lack of funds in my bank account at the moment), it was the perfect time to finally watch it. How could someone claim to love musicals when she hasn't even seen Chicago, right?
While the Junior Mints could have been better if they had spent a few hours sitting in the freezer (the awesome independent theater in Westwood where I saw Across the Universe actually kept their movie-sized boxes of Junior Mints in the freezer!), Chicago did not disappoint, even after having my expectations raised significantly by my friends' rave reviews of the movie.
The casting was perfect, and I was constantly amazed by Catherine Zeta-Jones' amazing performance. Watching the spectacular singing and dancing in the vaudeville acts on the screen almost made me wish I could go back in time to watch those kinds of performances live on stage.
Since I am going to be in New York over winter break this year, I get to choose one Broadway musical to watch as a Christmas present from my parents - I would LOVE to see more than just one, but tickets in December around Christmas-time are especially expensive. While I am still undecided about which show to see, after watching Chicago, the movie, Chicago, the Broadway musical, just moved a couple of spots up on my list of possible choices!
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