Now it kind of feels like the left side of my body is bruised where the rib bone sticks out.
My new sneakers came in the mail yesterday:

I really wanted these sneakers and were willing to spend $50ish for them at Sears when I first saw them, but they didn't have a size 8 in blue.
Since I never wear sneakers anyway and only needed a pair around because I forgot to bring mine back after winter break, the $29.99 sale sneakers from were fine.
(They look better in real life.)
Now I don't have any more excuses to not go to the gym... except for the whole "lack of time" thing, of course.
I also need to buy more socks.
The scary green juice in the Naked refrigerator in the dining hall always kind of freaked me out, but the flavor I usually drank (the one with 2000% Vitamin C in one bottle!) was sold out, so I decided to give the green juice a try:

Surprisingly, it was delicious! Who knew a mix of spirulina, chlorella, blue green algae, spinach, and broccoli in juice could be so tasty?
I buy one every day now.
Water is usually my drink of choice, but when I realized that I was more than $200 above budget with my dining dollars after winter break, I decided to start buying the expensive super-vitamin C packed juices in hopes of getting better sooner and spending more dining dollars.
My dorm reeks of cooked ground beef and cheap cheddar cheese right now because both of my roommates are eating the nasty-looking, crumbly meat "casserole" from the dining hall for dinner.
I haven't used daily planners to keep track of the things I needed to do since middle school, but with all the pledge activities and all the fast deadlines for classes in the quarter system, I couldn't keep the dates straight in my head anymore and had to dig my free JMC planner out from under a pile of crap to help me keep on top of things this quarter.
Now that everything is written in the planner, staring at the packed pages makes me feel insanely overwhelmed.
Maybe I will find the time to procrastinate late next week if I pencil it in now.
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